How to choose what Food to Barbeque
If you have a backyard, you probably have at least a few barbecues lit up every weekend to ward off the summertime blues. There’s nothing quite like sitting around a campfire or a grill to get the family together, and once you get the hang of…
2781Italian Wines and the Importance in Italian Society
The world of wine has long been a staple of the luxurious and refined dining experience. In the Western world, red wine has long been considered a staple of a fine dining experience. In fact, it has become so ingrained in the culture that even…
1123Kitchen Extractor Hoods, Commercial and in the Home
An extractor hood is a device that sits over your stove or other kitchen appliance and extracts moisture from the air, leaving your kitchen smelling nice and fresh. The extractor hood is usually a metal cylinder with a fan and other ventilation…
2876How to Pair Wine and Chesee
Cheese and wine pairings can be a tricky proposition. Many wines can taste overpowering when paired with certain cheeses, while other cheeses are simply not compatible with certain wines. There are many variables that go into pairing wine and…