Italian Wines and the Importance in Italian Society
The world of wine has long been a staple of the luxurious and refined dining experience. In the Western world, red wine has long been considered a staple of a fine dining experience. In fact, it has become so ingrained in the culture that even…
1123A Guide to the Most Famous Italian Wine Regions
When it comes to wine, Italy knows how to make some serious magic. The country is one of the world’s leading producers of the beverage, and its variety is astounding. From north to south, from high altitudes to the coast, and from the Italian…
1256Which Red Wine Grapes Are Best With Beef?
Beef is one of the most popular types of red meat. It is a very lean source of protein and the iron content in it is also high. It makes for a hearty and filling meal. When done well, it can also be a very tasty one. The catch here though is…
1908How to Choose a Wine to Go with Pork
For every meal, wine plays a major role in creating the right ambiance and setting the right tone. It’s not only about enjoying a glass of wine with friends and family, it’s also about choosing the right wine for the right occasion. A…