How to choose what Food to Barbeque
If you have a backyard, you probably have at least a few barbecues lit up every weekend to ward off the summertime blues. There’s nothing quite like sitting around a campfire or a grill to get the family together, and once you get the hang of…
2752When to Sauté and What Food to Sauté
In cooking, sautéing is one of the most common methods of cooking food. It involves pan frying or shallow-frying in a small amount of fat or oil. It is often used as a way to cook vegetables, fish, or meat without sautéing in a skillet.…
1162What are the Best Foods to Steam Cook?
When it comes to eating well, there’s no substitute for good cooking. The process of steaming food not only tastes better than cooking with oil or water, but it also makes all the difference in how your finished meal turns out. Steaming is…
1817French Haute Cuisine and Nouvelle Cuisine
The cuisine of France is as varied and beautiful as the country itself. French cuisine has a long history, and many regional varieties and styles. But the country is also a melting pot, with foods from all over the world influencing French…
1179Italian Cuisine and Food from the Sea
Italian cuisine is a reflection of its geographic location, the varied geography of Italy and the many diverse cultures that have influenced it over the centuries. The cuisine is based on local and regional ingredients such as olive oil,…
1255The Fundamental flavors of Italian Cuisine
Italian cuisine has a long history and an abundance of Regional and Ancestral Recipes. Italian food is the result of centuries of social and economic change in Italy, and the wave of these influences has swept the country with different…
1079Explore the World of French Street Food
The French diet is famous for its wide variety of gastronomical specialties. In fact, some people even believe that their cuisine is the best in the world. The French have a reputation for great food, and street food is a prominent part of this…
1445Famous Italian Street Foods You Have to Try
When it comes to street food, there’s no shortage of options for hungry travelers. In Italy alone, there are dozens of different types of street food, each with its own unique flavors and combinations. It’s easy to see why Italians are so…
1583Famous American Street Foods You Don’t Want to Miss
When it comes to street food, things get a little bit weird. Whether it’s the different types of street food or how different cultures react to them, there’s something about street food that seems a bit strange. And that’s because, in most…
1533Street Foods to Enjoy in Mexico
Mexican street food is unlike many of the other types of street food you may be familiar with. Instead of being prepared and sold by vendors who set up shop in the city for a limited time, Mexican street food is in constant circulation. That’s…
1657Exploring the Street Foods of China
There are over 1,500 different types of Chinese food. Chinese food can be as diverse as the country itself. The variety of foods in China is due to its size and its long history. No matter where you go in China, you will always find a variety of…
1514Discover the Street Foods of Japan
When you think of Japanese cuisine, you’re probably picturing the traditional meal your grandparents would prepare at home. A bowl of miso ramen, perhaps, or a bento box filled with traditional sushi and sashimi. But street food is so much…